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Payment schedule and payment options

First payment – advance

For the 2024-25 academic year

The first payment of 3,811 ILS must be made in order to register for classes, in all degree programs.

The advance payment covers all mandatory fees + tuition.


The payment due date for incoming students is indicated on their acceptance letter.

Payment is due by Sunday, September 15, 2024 or two weeks before registration for classes – the earlier of the two.

For the 2025-26 academic year

The first payment of 3,942 ILS must be made in order to register for classes, in all degree programs.

The advance payment covers all mandatory fees + tuition.


The payment due date for incoming students is indicated on their acceptance letter.

Payment is due by Sunday, September 15, 2025 or two weeks before registration for classes – the earlier of the two.

Additional payments

Payment #: Payment due date:
Second payment Nov. 15 accumulates to 40% of (annual tuition + English)
3rd payment Dec. 15 accumulates to 55% of (annual tuition + English)
4th payment Feb. 15 accumulates to 70% of (annual tuition + English)
5th payment Mar. 15 accumulates to 85% of (annual tuition + English)
6th payment Apr. 15 accumulates to 100% of (annual tuition + English)

Amounts due as noted in the table above are shown in the In-Bar portal > Tuition menu > Account balance.  Students are responsible for staying current with their payment status, as detailed below:

  • Immediate balance:

This indicates the amount due on the upcoming payment due date or the amount past due, as per the payment schedule tables above.

This sum will be reflected in the In-Bar portal about two weeks before the payment due date.

  • Overall payment balance:

This indicates the outstanding tuition balance for the year, including payments whose due dates have not yet passed. This balance includes the amount for immediate payment – if it has not yet been paid.

Students who wish to pay off the overall payment balance for the year:

Make the “immediate balance” payment first, then wait for the “overall payment balance”  to be updated to reflect that payment, and only then make the overall balance payment.


Please note
  • Amounts due at every payment date include linkage differentials.
  • Overdue balances incur late fee interest charges of 0.167% per week. Late fees are calculated from the 15th day of the month in which the payment due date falls, as shown in the table above.
  • Non-receipt of notification and/or voucher does not relieve you of responsibility to pay your tuition on time.
  • The balance for immediate payment includes previous sums that were not paid by the tuition calculation date, as shown in the table above.
  • Your payment amount should never be higher than the “total balance through end-of-year”.
  • All mandatory fees and payments for preparatory programs and English courses are an integral part of tuition and must be paid on time.
  • Bar-Ilan accepts requests for financial aid, scholarships and subsidized loans available from a variety of sources and in different formats; details are available at the office of the Dean of Students and the academic departments. Payment may not be spread beyond the dates established for payment as aforementioned.
  • Students who do not pay their tuition on time incur late penalties, interest and collection costs (a minimum of 350 ILS or per actual costs incurred by Bar-Ilan University for debt collection), and may also be blocked from access to Bar-Ilan University services – including exams and grades – until their debt is paid off in full.

Tuition payment options

Direct debit authorization

This method incurs no handling fee.


Charges to the account are made automatically as per the dates and amounts shown in the Payment Schedule, not including advance payment and summer session payments, both of which must be paid separately.

The authorization is to be submitted to the Tuition Department up to two weeks prior to the payment date (instructions follow).


לסטודנטים שכבר שלחו הרשאה לחיוב חשבון בשנה"ל הקודמת: ההרשאה לחיוב חשבון מתחדשת באופן אוטומטי לשנה האקדמית הבאה. אם לא בוטלה ההרשאה בבנק, אין צורך לשלוח אותה פעם נוספת.


How to set up direct debit authorization in two stages:

1. Set up direct debit authorization on the bank’s website
Details required:
Institution ID – 35967
Customer ID – the student’s official ID /passport number

Do not limit the authorization by sums / dates.


2. Sign up for the direct debit authorization track via In-Bar (performed only once on initial sign-up):

  1. Enter In-Bar – My profile
  2. Select ‘Requests and authorizations’ in the menu on the left
  3. Select ‘Submit a request’
  4. Select category ‘Tuition’
  5. Direct debit authorization > Submit
  6. Read and accept the terms and conditions > Accept
  7. Complete your banking information (bank ID / branch / account number)
  8. Upload the file containing the bank confirmation > by pressing +
  • It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that payments are approved.
  • The direct debit authorization remains in effect so long as no further request has been received to cancel or update it.
  • A blocked payment will incur a handling fee of 50 ILS.

קישור להסבר

Payment by credit card

Credit card payments incur an additional handling fee of 0.8% (including VAT) of the payment amount


Payment via the In-Bar portal > Tuition menu > Credit card payment – per dates and amounts indicated in the Payment schedule


Students are responsible for staying current with their payment status, as detailed below:

Immediate balance:

This indicates the amount due on the upcoming payment due date or the amount past due, as per the payment schedule tables above.

Overall payment balance:

This indicates the outstanding tuition balance for the year, including payments whose due dates have not yet passed. This balance includes the amount for immediate payment – if it has not yet been paid.

Payment in installments is possible via credit only (between 3 and 18 installments), as per the conditions of the credit card issuer.

קישור להסבר


Voucher payment at Bank Hadoar

Payment via voucher incurs a 20 ILS handling fee each voucher up to a maximum of 120 ILS per year (not including the advance payment).


The voucher will be updated in your personal area about two weeks before payment is due, per the payment schedule


Issue the payment voucher via In-Bar > “Tuition” menu > Receipts and vouchers > click on “Print tuition voucher” > open the pdf file > print the voucher.

Bank Hadoar payment voucher is only valid with a printed barcode. If the voucher was issued without a barcode, please contact the Tuition Department.


Please note: Per the Cash Law, payment of voucher at Bank Hadoar in cash is limited to 6,000 ILS only. This restriction does not apply to a cash-based check payment.

Tuition payment from discharged soldier subsidy

This method incurs no handling fee.

To pay tuition from the discharged IDF soldier subsidy –

follow instructions on the Foundation and Unit for Discharged Soldiers website in your personal area and on the Tuition Department website

Tuition reports

“Authorization of tuition” report
  • This report is free of charge and is generated via In-Bar  > Authorizations  (download - no fee) > Documents > “Authorization of tuition (digitally signed)”.
  • This report summarizes the annual tuition in all enrolled programs and degrees for each year, the accumulated tuition percentage by year and the overall aggregate percentage.
  • The report indicates the various charges (tuition, surcharges, mandatory fees, linkage differentials), payments made, scholarships and balance due.
  • An “Authorization of tuition” report may be generated for each academic year separately by changing the year on the top left in the In-Bar portal.
Account balance
  • Account status is visible at In-Bar > “Tuition” menu > Account balance
  • The report details the various charges (tuition, surcharges, mandatory fees), payments made, date of payment, details of scholarships entered into the system and balances due (balance due immediately and total balance through the end of the year).


  • Students should never pay sums beyond their annual payment balance.
  • If for any reason the balance indicates a credit in favor of the student, it is carried over automatically to the next academic year.
  • Students who would like a cash refund must submit a request to the Tuition Department.

    Requests are to be submitted via the
    In-Bar portal:
    Requests and authorizations menu > Submit a request > select subject “Tuition” > Tuition refund request > Submit  
  • In accordance with Ministry of Defense guidelines, if a payment to be refunded was made from discharged IDF soldier subsidy funds, it is the student’s responsibility to indicate this so that the sum can be returned to the fund.
  • Tuition refunds are executed via bank wire transfer; students must verify that their bank details in their personal area are up-to-date (In-Bar > My profile > Update details).
  • Tuition refunds to bank accounts outside of Israel are possible for refunds of 100$ or more, with a deduction of a 30$ handling fee.

The Tuition Office

Zoom hours: Sun., Tues., Thurs.10 a.m.-12 noon Zoom link during specified hours

Office hours: Sun., Tues., Thurs.10 a.m.-12 noon Building 404, Room 001

(On Mon., Wed., Fri., fast days, eves of holidays, holidays and Memorial Day – the office is closed to the public)


Tuition Office request form->

To issue a payment voucher  or for service on general study-related or administrative matters, contact the Services and Recruitment Center

Department staff:

Head of Tuition Services and Curriculum Planning – Avital Amar

Deputy Head – Iris Gal Raveh

Head of Tuition Office – Hannah Tawilly

Tuition Office staff: Aharon Hen,

Granit Goren, Sharon Gutman, Avi Amir, Tammy Ben Shahar, Tamy Cohen, Shir Aviv Dahan.