Additional payments
Payment #: | Payment due date: | |
Second payment | Nov. 15 | accumulates to 40% of (annual tuition + English) |
3rd payment | Dec. 15 | accumulates to 55% of (annual tuition + English) |
4th payment | Feb. 15 | accumulates to 70% of (annual tuition + English) |
5th payment | Mar. 15 | accumulates to 85% of (annual tuition + English) |
6th payment | Apr. 15 | accumulates to 100% of (annual tuition + English) |
Amounts due as noted in the table above are shown in the In-Bar portal > Tuition menu > Account balance. Students are responsible for staying current with their payment status, as detailed below:
- Immediate balance:
This indicates the amount due on the upcoming payment due date or the amount past due, as per the payment schedule tables above.
This sum will be reflected in the In-Bar portal about two weeks before the payment due date.
- Overall payment balance:
This indicates the outstanding tuition balance for the year, including payments whose due dates have not yet passed. This balance includes the amount for immediate payment – if it has not yet been paid.
Students who wish to pay off the overall payment balance for the year:
Make the “immediate balance” payment first, then wait for the “overall payment balance” to be updated to reflect that payment, and only then make the overall balance payment.
The Tuition Office
- Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 5290000
Zoom hours: Sun., Tues., Thurs.10 a.m.-12 noon Zoom link during specified hours
Office hours: Sun., Tues., Thurs.10 a.m.-12 noon Building 404, Room 001
(On Mon., Wed., Fri., fast days, eves of holidays, holidays and Memorial Day – the office is closed to the public)
To issue a payment voucher or for service on general study-related or administrative matters, contact the Services and Recruitment Center
Department staff:
Head of Tuition Services and Curriculum Planning – Avital Amar
Deputy Head – Iris Gal Raveh
Head of Tuition Office – Hannah Tawilly
Tuition Office staff: Aharon Hen,
Granit Goren, Sharon Gutman, Avi Amir, Tammy Ben Shahar, Tamy Cohen, Shir Aviv Dahan.