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Tuition exemption guidelines

  • Tuition exemptions are granted by approval of the Status Office (for undergraduate students) or by approval of the Master’s Degree Office only.
  • Exempt credit hours are added to the aggregate of yearly credits for the year the exemption is granted.

Exemptions granting monetary credit by standard credit hours:

  • Exemption from a CHE-recognized Israeli institution or from a foreign university.
  • Exemptions in an MA program are only granted for courses taken as part of a master’s program in a recognized academic institution.
  • Courses audited at Bar-Ilan (except EFL and Hebrew writing skills) for which the student paid the full rate and the exemption was recognized for the bachelor's degree.
  • Undergraduate students who had received academic approval to take master’s degree courses in their last year of studies and then continue on with their MA immediately upon completion of the BA, are academically and financially exempt from up to a total of 6 credit hours for those courses (provided that they were excess credits in the BA degree and that the accumulated percent for the BA was above the required minimum).
  • Hesder yeshiva graduates or students at the Bar-Ilan Institute for Advanced Torah Studies (the Kollel) who are eligible for a full exemption from 10 credit hours of basic Jewish studies will receive academic and monetary exemption in accordance with the standard credit hours rate.

Exemptions granting other monetary credit:

  • Courses audited at Bar-Ilan (except EFL and Hebrew writing skills) for which the student paid the full rate and the exemption was recognized for the bachelor's degree are credited at 4.7% per credit hour.
  • Courses audited at Bar-Ilan in a high-school or National Service program (except EFL services Hebrew writing skills) – are credited in accordance with the sum they paid for the courses.
  • The exemption will only be granted to students who made all required payments as per tuition policy, and whose accumulated tuition percentage has not yet reached % tuition for degree.


Exemptions that do not grant monetary credit:

  • Exemption from institutions not recognized by the CHE.
  • Waivers in the teaching certificate program are academic only and does not grant monetary credit.
  • Upon receipt of academic exemption that does not provide monetary credit, student's tuition account shall be charged by the supplementary tuition given in lieu of the exemption.
  • Tuition charges apply in the year the exemption was recorded, in accordance with tuition policy corresponding to the student’s degree program. 
  • Students who obtained academic exemptions that do not provide monetary credit, may take other courses beyond the requirements of their own study program in exchange – but only in the fall or spring semesters (not in summer session).
    To take advantage of this benefit, students must submit a request to the
    Curriculum Planning Office for course substitution at the standard rate.
    This policy decision does not include repeating or failed courses.
  • For an academic exemption granted prior to the 2019-2020 academic year only, calculation of exemption from minimum tuition is performed upon receipt of request for degree completion, via the In-Bar portal (personal information).
    If the exemption request is academic only, the academic credit is granted upon degree completion.

Clarification on academic exemption due to reserve duty (Iron Swords War only):

Exemptions due to reserve duty are academic exemptions and not financial exemptions.

To submit a request for academic exemption due to reserve duty in the Iron Swords War, click on the applicable link: 

Submitting your exemption incurs a tuition payment corresponding to the scope of the exemption (number of academic credits).

If you are registered for courses from which you are or wish to be exempt, you may cancel those courses during the change window and you will not be charged for them.

If you wish to take additional courses* in place of the exemptions (for which you were charged tuition), you may register for courses (in the equivalent number of credits as the exemption) and contact the Curriculum Planning (Talam) Office using the request form, so that we record those courses in lieu of the exemption and not charge you additional tuition for them.

Students who do not wish to take additional courses in place of the exemptions shall be charged for the exemptions so that they can accumulate the minimum tuition percentage required for their degree.

*does not include summer courses

The Tuition Office

Zoom hours: Sun., Tues., Thurs.10 a.m.-12 noon Zoom link during specified hours

Office hours: Sun., Tues., Thurs.10 a.m.-12 noon Building 404, Room 001

(On Mon., Wed., Fri., fast days, eves of holidays, holidays and Memorial Day – the office is closed to the public)


Tuition Office request form->

To issue a payment voucher  or for service on general study-related or administrative matters, contact the Services and Recruitment Center

Department staff:

Head of Tuition Services and Curriculum Planning – Avital Amar

Deputy Head – Iris Gal Raveh

Head of Tuition Office – Hannah Tawilly

Tuition Office staff: Aharon Hen,

Granit Goren, Sharon Gutman, Avi Amir, Tammy Ben Shahar, Tamy Cohen, Shir Aviv Dahan.