Accessibility & Special Needs

Bar-Ilan University works to improve on-campus accessibility for all students, and does everything in its power to provide equal opportunity to students with special needs, such as the learning disabled, the visually impaired, the hearing impaired, and students suffering from other physical disabilities.
The Sybil Wigdor Student Support and Accessibility Section
Students coping with disabilities are invited to contact the Sybil Wigdor Student Support and Accessibility Section for academic and technical support such as: mentoring/tutoring, reading materials aloud, photocopying and/or recording lectures, library orientation, test rewrites, special considerations during exams, etc.
The Sybil Wigdor Student Support and Accessibility Section offers study rooms with specialized equipment to disabled students, including special computers, recording tapes and other means of academic assistance.
Contact details for the Sybil Wigdor Student Support and Accessibility Section:
Tel: +972-3-531-8491
Fax: +972-3-535-4846
Email: [email protected]

The Office of the Dean of Students (site in Hebrew)
The Office of the Dean of Students promotes student welfare on campus, providing a range of services designed to help them address personal, financial, social and academic needs. The Office of the Dean of Students provides equal opportunities for students and applicants coping with physical, mental, social and/or academic disabilities.
Applicants who were rejected by university departments are welcomed to contact the Office of the Dean of Students and request special consideration. Any student suffering from a medical disability is entitled to assistance including reading aloud, photocopies, academic tutoring, counseling and technical support during exams.
For more information about the services offered by the Office of the Dean of Students, contact:
Office of the Dean of Students
Tel: +972-3-531-8275
Fax: +972-3-535-1522
Email: [email protected]
On-Campus Accessibility
To report or ask about on-campus accessibility issues, contact:
The Maintenance Department
Tel: +972-3-531-8000.
To report illegal parking in the disabled parking spaces, or parking hazards, contact:
The Security Division
Tel: +972-531-8550

The Disability Rights Legal Clinic, established in 2003 by Bar-Ilan's Faculty of Law, provides legal services and disability rights information, and promotes legal activism to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities in Israel. The most common problems that arise concern accessibility, social security, guardianship, housing, employment, insurance, special education, medical treatment, and governmental benefits.
For more information about the clinic, or to schedule an appointment, contact:
The Disability Rights Clinic
Tel: +972-3-531-8373
[email protected]
The Students-with-Disabilities Forum
Bar-Ilan University holds meetings for students with disabilities, aiming to transform the social perspective and create awareness to the issue of disabilities and disabled students at the university.
To learn more and/or to join the form, contact: [email protected]
Accessibility Committee
Bar-Ilan University's Accessibility Committee reviews and provides solutions for disabled students' accessibility problems around the campus. The committee convenes periodically to discuss relevant matters. To include issues on the agenda, any student can refer to one of the members of the Students-with-Disabilities Forum.