Bar-Ilan University-Yeshiva University Summer Science Research Internships
The annual summer program enables YU students to intern in state-of-the-art labs at BIU
BIU-YU Summer Program, Class of 2025
Applications for 2025 are now closed.
Deadline for applications: Friday, February 14, 2025 (16 Shevat, 5785)
Dates of 2025 program:
Wednesday, June 25 (29 Sivan) until Monday, August 11 (17 Av)
The BIU-YU Summer Science Research Internship program places select undergraduates from Yeshiva College and Stern College in one of the state-of-the-art research laboratories of Bar-Ilan's Life Sciences, Brain Research, Exact Sciences, or Engineering Faculties. It enables talented undergraduate science majors to take part in the research of one of Bar-Ilan's more than 180 distinguished science and engineering faculty members.
In summer 2024 Bar-Ilan University hosted 29 budding scientists in another successful cohort of the Summer Research Internships for North American students. The abstracts of their research are now available (scroll down). The program was initiated in 2011 by Prof. Chaim Sukenik who headed it for 3 years. From 2014-2017, the program was directed by Prof. Ari Zivotofsky and the current director is Prof. Arlene Gordon.
Interested students should refer to the web pages of Bar-Ilan senior faculty and identify 5 research groups with which they might be interested in working. These choices (in preferential order) should be written in a word or pdf document that will be uploaded in the online application form. The application form also enables applicants to express an interest in different areas of research by simply entering the relevant key words. Try to be specific. The more specific you are, the easier it is to place you and the more likely the placement will be mutually beneficial. We will then do the match-making for you. Prospective applicants should understand that well-thought-out choices of key words and specific research groups will greatly enhance the extent to which the research experience can match their skills and interests.
Financial Overview: Students provide their own transportation to/from Israel. The program is generously funded by the late Dr. Mordecai Katz z"l and Dr. Monique Katz, the Irving I. Stone Foundation and the Zoltan Erenyi Fund. During the program, participants are provided with housing at Yeshiva University's Gruss Institute in Jerusalem. Daily transportation will be provided between Gruss and Bar-Ilan campus (Ramat Gan), as will breakfasts and dinners (Sundays through Thursdays). Each student's contribution to the cost of running the program is $120 payable in cash (dollars or shekels) at the beginning of the program.
If additional information is required, please contact Prof. Arlene Gordon.