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14.10.2021 | ח חשון התשפב

Torah & Pizza for Anglo Students

Bar-Ilan’s popular Sunday evening Beit Midrash for English speaking students convenes in the Jesselson Institute for Advanced Torah Studies (Building 411)

תורה ופיצה

Torah & Pizza, BIU's popular Sunday evening Beit Midrash for English Speaking Students, hosts each week an engaging guest lecturer who explores an exciting topic. Limud is held at 7:30 pm, followed by a Shiur at 8:00 pm.

On Sunday,  January 2, Tanya White will speak on "Yaakov, Yosef and Liminal Space: When Postmodern Consciousness Meets the Ancient Text".  Previous speakers have included Rabbi Tzvi Wohlgelernter on "Is Democracy Perfect and All-Wise? Torah Perspectives on Political Theory", Rabbanit Karen Miler Jackson on "From the Talmud to Twitter: Perspectives on Shaming and Cancel Culture", Rabbi Asher Webreit on "Kavanah L'Mitzvot: Infusing Meaning into Life", Nachliel Selavan on "Israel-Zionism & Foundation and SciFi: Israel Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow",  "Dr. Sharon Galper Grossman, on "It's Legal: Does Halakha Permit Recreational Marijuana?" and Rabbi Ari Kahn on "Shemita: Politics, Halakha, Economics, Rumors and Innuendo, Making Sense of the Seventh Year. "

The Sunday evening Beit Midrash is sponsored by the Midrasha, Ohel Sara, and the Office of the Campus Rabbi at Bar-Ilan University. All are welcome!