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05.02.2021 | כג שבט התשפא

What happens when COVID-19 meets...

...a virologist, an immunologist and an epidemiologist? Register for the webinar!


Bar-Ilan University and the Center for Jewish Impact invite you to an online briefing on the coronavirus vaccine campaign in Israel. 

Renowned researchers from BIU’s Azrieli Faculty of Medicine and Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences will share knowledge and insights on what’s important to know about the vaccine, and how Israel is running the vaccination campaign. 

The event will be held on Tuesday, February 9, 2021, at 6:00 pm (Israel time). Register for the webinar here.

The speakers will include: Prof. Ronit Sarid, Virologist, Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences; Prof. Cyrille Cohen, Head of the Immunotherapy Lab at the Goodman Faculty and member of the Ministry of Health Advisory Committee on the Coronavirus Vaccine; Prof. Michael Edelstein, Epidemiologist, Azrieli Faculty of Medicine; Prof. Karl Skorecki, Dean, Azrieli Faculty of Medicine; and Robert Singer, Chairman, Center for Jewish Impact.