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18.11.2020 | ב כסלו התשפא

A New Home for Computer Science

The future building will be situated in the heart of campus.

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  • One of the largest departments at Bar-Ilan University is getting a new home. When completed the Alexander Grass Computer Science Building will house the Department of Computer Science, considered a world leader in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, cryptography and natural language processing.

    At a small gathering due to coronavirus limitations, a cornerstone-laying ceremony was held at the site of the future building in the heart of the University campus.

    "This is a milestone for our friends around the world who have contributed to the founding of this important project -- a building dedicated to the Department of Computer Science, which will focus on teaching and research in areas that are inextricably linked to the security of the State of Israel," said University President Prof. Arie Zaban.

    "The coronavirus has prohibited us from celebrating this landmark occasion with our generous benefactors, but they have sent written messages to our students and scholars of the future that we have placed in a time capsule and buried on the grounds of this future building. The time capsule also includes an up-to-date, current curriculum that may likely seem irrelevant to students studying here 50 years from now," added Prof. Zaban.

    The estimated $30 million building will include a two-story robotics lab, a wing dedicated to the Center for Cyber Defense and Cryptography, an innovation area, an auditorium, student seating areas, and additional state-of-the-art amenities.

    "We are proud of Bar-Ilan University and what it stands for," said Roger Grass, who attended the ceremony with his wife, Marina, and delivered greetings on behalf of the Grass family. "Students come here because they want to influence Israeli society and we want to enable them to do so."

    Also attending the ceremony were Permanent Committee Chairman Shlomo Zohar, Deputy President Prof. Moshe Lewenstein, Vice President of Global Resources Development Dr. Sharon Goldman, Rector Prof. Amnon Albeck, and Director General Zohar Yinon.