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University Auditor

The Auditor’s Office examines the compliance of the University’s operations and the actions of its employees.

As part of this role, the Auditor ensures that these actions are conducted in accordance with the law, proper management practices, and principles of integrity, economy, and efficiency. Additionally, the Auditor evaluates the extent to which the University’s actions align with and contribute to achieving its established goals. The Auditor also reviews complaints in accordance with the law and the audit plan determined by the association’s authorized institutions. The audit is conducted in compliance with accepted professional standards.

Handling Employee Complaints

  1. Any University employee may contact the Internal Auditor to report or file a complaint about any matter related to the University, its conduct, employees, or officeholders (in their capacity within the University). This includes acts or omissions that are unlawful, lack legal authority, violate integrity or proper administration, or involve excessive rigidity or obvious injustice.
  2. Whenever possible, employees should first exhaust all internal investigation procedures within their respective units before approaching the Internal Auditor.
  3. Complaints strictly related to academic matters will be referred to the Dean of the relevant faculty, the Rector of the University, or the Rector’s deputy. The Rector or his deputy must provide the Internal Auditor with an annual report summarizing all complaints received during the year. If there is uncertainty about whether a complaint pertains strictly to academic matters, the Internal Auditor will consult with the University’s Legal Advisor.
  4. Complaints related to sexual harassment will be referred to the Commission for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment.

Contact Details for the Internal Auditor

  • CPA Ofer Alkalai – Alkalai & Co.
    Address: 7 Menachem Begin Road, 22nd Floor, Beit Gibor Sport, Ramat Gan
    Tel: 074-706-1030
    Email: [email protected]
  • Internal Auditor’s Office at the University
    Address: Building 408, Room 03
    Tel: 03-531-8502
    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: 03-5318502
  • A mailbox is accessible at the entrance to the building.