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The Labyrinth Garden

This garden is located next to the Nanotechnology Triplex, and although it is the tallest building on campus, its architects made it a point to acknowledge that man is but a spec compared to the greatness and might of God.

גן מבוכה

The garden's design is inspired mainly by the words of the Ramchal (Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto), Path of the Just ("Mesillat Yesharim"), Chapter Three: "It would have been better for a man not to have been created... but now that he has been created, let him examine his deeds… To what is this analogous? To a garden-maze, a type of garden common among the ruling class, which is planted for the sake of amusement. The plants there are arranged in walls between which are found many confusing and interlacing paths, all similar to one another, the purpose of the whole being to challenge one to reach a portico in their midst." 

גן מבוכה