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The Galilean Synagogue Garden

גן בית כנסת

The Galilean Synagogue Garde– The garden's design is based on a model of an ancient Galilean synagogue. It is surrounded by 12 columns, commemorating the 12 tribes of Israel. A restored mosaic is cemented on the ground, designed like an the authentic mosaic discovered in the ancient synagogue at Beit Alpha. Seats positioned in the shape of the letter U and designed for assemblies are surrounding the mosaic. The exit facing the north represents the exit to a side-room where the Torah was kept. The Garden is surrounded by olive trees, reflecting the landscape of the Galilee.  On the entrance to the garden, embedded in the ground, is a plaque of the donors inscribed on a tablet shaped like a "Tabula Hensta" ("donated by ..."). This plaque represents the form that was used to express gratitude to synagogue benefactors, both then and now. Embedded in the tablet are ancient coin reproductions.

גן בית כנסת

Dedication of the donor, the namesake of this garden

שחזור מטבע

Reproduction of ancient coins, inspiring the various mosaics imprinted in various elements of the garden


A section of the "Tabula Hensta" flooring


"Tabula Hensta" – sample of the plaque dedicated to the donors    


Mosaic reproduction

גן בית כנסת