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Academic Head of Student Administration, Prof. Galia Yanoshevsky

פרופ' גליה ינושבסקי
פרופ' גליה ינושבסקי

As part of her position, she is responsible for all stages of undergraduate studies, from admission to the completion of undergraduate degree. She also heads the committee of undergraduate admissions.

Prof. Yanoshevsky completed her studies at Tel Aviv University. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and French Literature, and an MA and a Ph.D in French literature and discourse analysis. She has taught in several academic institutions and established an academic writing division and a rhetoric division at the School of Communication of Sapir Academic College in the Negev (2002-2006). In 2002, she joined the Department of French Culture at Bar-Ilan University, which she headed in 2008-2012 and in 2020-2023. She is an active member of the Faculty of Humanities, where she founded the Doctoral Students’ Forum in 2020, and was and still is an active participant in university-wide committees (teaching committee, disciplinary committee, doctoral student committee, nominating committee, and more).

Prof. Galia Yanoshevsky is an expert in discourse analysis and French literature. She is internationally renowned for exploring liminal genres - between journalism and literature - and multimodal genres combining image and text. Her books and articles on literary interviews and the literary manifesto research have been published in prestigious journals around the world and are widely cited. She has been an invited scholar and visiting lecturer in several universities around the world, including the CELSA School of Journalism at the Sorbonne-Paris, University of Franche Comté (Besançon, France), McGill University (Canada), Pisa university (Italy), and KU-Leuven University (Belgium). She has been a fellow at Newnham college, Cambridge, UK (2011-2012) and is a research fellow in Israel Studies at Brandeis (2024-2025). She also serves on juries and doctoral committees in Israel and abroad, and as a reviewer and member of scientific committees of journals in the field of discourse analysis, argumentation and French literature (Argumentation, Argumentation et Analyse du discours, Mots, etc.).

Since obtaining an ISF Grant in 2016, she has been promoting theoretical and practical research dealing with multimodal genres that combine text and image (travel guides to Israel, national photo books). She currently directs a research group in a project with a Digital Humanities component, establishing an archive of national photobooks of Israel.

Academic Head of Student Administration, Prof. Galia Yanoshevsky