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Vice President for Development, Ronnie Vinikov

רוני וינוקוב
רוני וינוקוב

The Office of the Vice President for Development at Bar-Ilan University works to build strong bridges between the university and all potential donors and partners worldwide, to enable the continuation of its science and research excellence.

The University's Vice President manages the resource development and external relations operations of the university in Israel and abroad, operates a team of professional staff at the headquarters in Israel, and advances the relationships with the university's friends associations around the world.

Ronnie Vinnikov assumed his role as Vice President for Development of Bar-Ilan University in November 2024. He has three decades of management experience in large public organisations and companies, with emphasis on managing fundraising and external relations in all four national institutions of the State of Israel.

Vinnikov has global international experience, including significant long-term missions in North America and Eastern Europe as a senior emissary of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Hayesod - UIA and the World Zionist Organization.

Before assuming his position at Bar-Ilan, he served as Deputy Director General for Resource Development at Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael - Jewish National Fund, with overall executive responsibility for resource development and external affairs in more than 40 countries worldwide.

During his public career, Vinnikov led cross-organisational reforms that resulted in increased revenues, development of new markets and target audiences, implementation of innovative technological tools, and fundraising on an unprecedented scale.

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and Anthropology and a Master's degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Public Policy, both from Tel Aviv University.

He is married to Mazal and is a father of three children.

Vice President for Development, Ronnie Vinikov