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23.06.2024 | יז סיון התשפד

Record $260 Million Ushers in a New Era of Scientific Innovation and Leadership

The transformative gift for Deep Tech sciences holds an enormous promise for shaping the future of Israel and humanity as a whole

deep tech investment

Earlier this month, Bar-Ilan University received the its largest donation ever. University President Prof. Zaban elaborated on the tremendous vision behind the generous gift, stating, "The donor, a man of broad academic education, firmly believed that the development of Israel's technological resilience relies primarily on breakthrough science. During his visits to Israel, he recognized the significant impact Bar-Ilan University has made in key areas thanks to its science-based infrastructure and deep connections to all sectors of Israeli society.

The transformative potential of this donation lies in its allocation towards the development of Deep Tech sciences, a field that holds immense promise for shaping the future of Israel and humanity as a whole. Bar-Ilan University plans to leverage this gift to establish state-of-the-art research facilities, attract world-renowned scientists, and foster an environment conducive to groundbreaking discoveries and innovations. By providing scientists with the tools and resources they need to conduct pioneering studies, Bar-Ilan University will position itself at the forefront of scientific advancement.

The donation will be utilized to establish prestigious research chairs and fellowships, attracting brilliant minds from around the globe to join Bar-Ilan's faculty. These esteemed positions will be offered to scientists who have demonstrated exceptional expertise and leadership in their respective fields, fostering a vibrant intellectual community that encourages collaboration and cross-disciplinary research.

In addition to investing in infrastructure and talent, Bar-Ilan University will allocate a significant portion of the donation towards nurturing current and future generations of scientific leaders. The university plans to establish comprehensive scholarship and fellowship programs, providing talented students with the financial support they need to pursue advanced degrees in science and technology. By cultivating a pipeline of skilled researchers and innovators, Bar-Ilan University aims to contribute to the long-term scientific and technological advancement of Israel.

The impact of this donation extends far beyond the walls of Bar-Ilan University. The breakthroughs and discoveries made possible by this investment have the potential to drive economic growth, create new industries, and address pressing global challenges. From developing innovative medical treatments to pioneering sustainable energy solutions, the research conducted at Bar-Ilan University will have far-reaching implications for society as a whole.

Prof. Zaban emphasized the significance of this gift in enabling the university to embark on its new vision for the future. However, he also acknowledged that this is merely the beginning of a transformative journey. He called upon others to join forces with Bar-Ilan University in creating lasting change for society, the economy, and the world-at-large.

The $260 million donation to Bar-Ilan University for science investment represents a pivotal moment in the institution's history and a testament to its unwavering commitment to scientific excellence. With this unprecedented support, Bar-Ilan University is poised to make significant strides in Deep Tech sciences, driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and shaping a brighter future for Israel and beyond.