Appointed Vice President for Research in October 2017, Prof. Shulamit Michaeli previously served as Dean of the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences and the founding Director of the Nano-Medicine Center at the Bar-Ilan Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA).
In addition, for eight years Prof. Michaeli directed the Life Sciences and Medicine Division of the Israel Science Foundation. Prof. Michaeli has been a member of many national committees, including the prize committees for the Israel Prize and the EMET Prize. She has and participated and led European scientific associations, Israeli I-core excellence research centers, and other Israeli research groups.
A microbiologist by training and incumbent of the Myers Chair in Gene Expression and Infectious Disease, Prof. Michaeli studies Trypanosomatids, the vicious order of parasites which infect millions worldwide, causing African sleeping sickness, South American Chagas disease, and leishmaniasis, or sand-fly fever, which affects a host of countries from Portugal through India, including Israel. Prof. Michaeli has pioneered the use of nanotechnology in fighting diseases creating nano-drugs for parasitic infections and cancer.
Prof. Michaeli has published more than a hundred articles in professional journals and books and patented a number of important technologies. She was the first researcher in the country to be funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute for ten years. She has won numerous prestigious awards, including the Israeli Society of Microbiology Award, both as a young researcher and as a senior research, and the Landau Prize, both in Medicine and more recently in Microbiology. When she was on the staff of the Weizmann Institute, she was awarded the Clore Prize for Outstanding Young Researcher and the prestigious Andre Lwoff Prize in Parasitology given by the French Academy of Sciences. Twice she has been chosen as one of the 40 leading women in Israel by Globes newspaper.
Prof. Michaeli is married to Dr. Moshe Goldberg, Director of Technological Infrastructure Research at the Ministry of Defense, and is the mother of three children.
Prof. Shulamit Michaeli Goldberg
- Tel: 03-5318068
- Tel 2: 03-7384337
- Email: Shulamit.Michaeli@biu.ac.il
- Nanotechnology Center (206), floor C, rooms C-369 (office) and C-371 (Lab)